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13 - 24 of 33 Lesson Plans Found

Graphing Beethoven's Emotions

Posted Apr 30, 2010 by Tammy Chapman

Students will discuss emotion words. They will look up synonyms for emotion words. They will then listen to the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and discuss the emotions they hear. Discussion about instrument families and dynamics will take place to help students decide why the song gives certain emotions. After several times listening to the music students will create a graph of the emotions they hear in the music.

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Language Arts, Math

FDR's New Deal Programs

Posted Apr 30, 2010 by Pat Miller

Franklin Roosevelt introduced The New Deal to boost the economy that was shattered by the Wall Street Crash. Students will research the acts and agencies that were to help restore prosperity through expansive government intervention in the economy. Music integration will be in the following components: classical music for the video, poster of the biography of the composer and why he wrote the piece; and analysis of why students choose the classical piece for their video.

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Getting Inside Beethoven

Posted Apr 30, 2010 by Bonnie Raines

Students will develop the ability to articulate moods and imagery in music through poetry. They will be able to do this through comparing and contrasting two pieces of Beethoven's music via language and movement. They will depict Beethoven in an art piece and learn about his life.

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Hero or Tyrant: Connecting Beethoven’s Third Symphony to Napoleon, Part One

Posted Apr 30, 2010 by Jeff Reed

Engage students studying the Age of Democratic Revolutions in a series of deep listening activities to the second and third movements of Eroica, Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 to help develop their critical thinking, listening and writing skills on World History content standards. Students gain a deeper understanding of democratic ideals from the American and French Revolutions, having had more time thinking about how to frame and explain the events and upheavals taking place.

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Hero or Tyrant: Connecting Beethoven’s Third Symphony to Napoleon, Part Two

Posted Apr 30, 2010 by Jeff Reed

Develop students’ critical thinking and writing in world history classes studying the age of democratic revolutions by engaging them in a series of deep listening activities that link the second and third movements of Eroica, Beethoven's Symphony No.3 to relevant content standards in World History and Language Arts.  Students will improve their ability to engage in five minutes of deep listening to music; participate in the 5-minute to 15-minute class discussions that follow; listen to and write down the ideas of fellow students in Cornell bulleted notes; and sp

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Adventures in Tempo

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Carmen Cobler

Students will discover the differences in musical tempo between fast and slow.  Students will learn to use the correct musical terms to describe the tempo of each piece of music.  Students will use streamers and their bodies to show at what tempo each piece is played.

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Beethoven's Beloved Immortal - History or Mystery?

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Christine Friend

Students will gain knowledge of the life and music of Ludwig van Beethoven. Within the study, students will be able to identify and use processes important to reconstructing and reinterpreting the past by using a variety of sources; providing, validating, and weighing evidence for claims; checking credibility of sources; and searching for causality, to seek to determine the identity of Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved.

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Beethoven's Sixth Symphony and the Expression of Feeling through the Arts

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Kathleen Helleskov

After exploring nature and country life through literature, poetry, visual art, science and social science, young children will explore feelings about nature by responding with movement to Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Opus 68, known as Pastoral Symphony, or Recollections of Country Life. By listening to the words of Beethoven (from documented source materials), students will become familiar with his feelings and his desire to express these feelings through his Symphony No. 6.

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Does the Music Add Up?

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Alice Pettit

Students will understand the relationship between musical notes and fractional parts. They will become familiar with the concept of equivalent fractions. They will understand the importance of finding common denominators prior to adding fractions.

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Emotions in Music

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Kate Sequeia

Music can portray and evoke emotions. What musical elements do you hear that make you feel a certain way? How does the composer use these elements to portray emotion? Students will listen to a musical selection and brainstorm the feelings it evokes, and then move into a writing activity about that emotion.

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Music: It’s a Matter of Opinion

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Stefanie Perkins-DeMoulin

This lesson utilizes Classical and Disco music to teach about Beethoven's life while integrating many language arts standards at the same time. Music, art, and math were also incorporated into the theme unit. The main objective of this unit is to teach fact and opinion. There is no right or wrong answer to what makes music, music. It's a matter of opinion.

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Ode to Beethoven

Posted Dec 21, 2010 by Lisa Gatewood

After learning about the life of composer Ludwig van Beethoven and listening to a variety of musical selections, the students will create an Ode to Beethoven to express their appreciation and knowledge for his life and musical talent. In addition, the students learned about the artist Andy Warhol, and will use this knowledge to create an art piece of Beethoven in the style of Warhol.

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13 - 24 of 33 Lesson Plans Found